Privacy Policy of MobMonks IT Solutions

Effective Date: October 30, 2023

1. Introduction

MobMonks IT Solutions, operating at 22/955A, G T Nagar, Anchery, Thrissur, Kerala, India - 680006, values the privacy of our users. This Privacy Policy is designed to help you understand how we collect, use, and safeguard the information you provide to us and to assist you in making informed decisions when using our games and applications.

By downloading, accessing, or using our games and apps, you consent to the terms and conditions set forth in this Privacy Policy, including to the collection and processing of your personal information.

2. Information We Collect

(a) Personal Data: We do not directly collect personal data like your name, email, address, or phone number unless you provide it to us for specific purposes such as customer support or feedback.

(b) Usage and Technical Data: Our games and apps automatically collect technical information about your device and how you use our applications, such as your device type, operating system, in-app events, and gameplay activity.

3. Third-Party Services

We employ third-party services for:

(a) Ad Serving: Our games may display ads served by third-party ad networks. These networks may collect and use your personal data and gameplay activity to serve you with personalized advertisements.

(b) Analytics: We use third-party analytics tools to help us measure traffic and usage trends for our games. These tools collect information sent by your device or our service, including the web pages you visit, add-ons, and other information that assists us in improving our services.

4. How We Use Your Information

We use the information that we collect to:

5. How We Share Your Information

We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your personal data unless we provide users with advance notice. We may share your information with third-party service providers that support our services and apps.

6. Security

We use reasonable administrative, logical, physical, and managerial measures to safeguard your personal information against loss, theft, and unauthorized access, use, and modification.

7. Your Choices

(a) Ads: You can always opt-out from personalized ads by adjusting your advertisement preferences on your device settings.

(b) Analytics: Check the third-party analytics provider's privacy policy for options on opting out.

8. Request user data deletion

When you install and use MobMonks IT Solutions mobile applications, we can collect and process some of your data for different legitimate purposes.You will find below explanations regarding the reasons why we may collect data..

Data Collection and Deletion Policy of MobMonks IT Solutions

Data Collection

MobMonks IT Solutions and its third-party partners collect data:

Third-Party Partners

The third-party partners that MobMonks IT Solutions will share the data with are:

Data Deletion Requests

To delete user data collected by MobMonks IT Solutions, please reach out to

Third-Party Data Deletion Contacts

If you also want to request the deletion of the data that may have been collected about you or your device by our third-party partners that are acting as independent data controllers, please use the following contacts and refer to their privacy policies:

9. Children's Privacy

Our games and apps are not targeted to children under the age of 13, and we do not knowingly collect personal data from children under 13.

10. Contact Us

For any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at:

MobMonks IT Solutions
22/955A, G T Nagar, Anchery,
Thrissur, Kerala, India - 680006

10. Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time. The most current version of the policy will govern our use of your information and will always be available at our website. If we make a change to this policy that, in our sole discretion, is material, we will notify users via an in-game message or other means.

By continuing to access or use our games and apps after those changes become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised Privacy Policy.